Watchers Guide
How this works
It’s simple, yet powerful. Use your mobile to report a UFO sighting, as it’s happening (or as soon as possible), automatically providing geolocation coordinates. Your report will immediately alert other Watchers nearby – some of them amateur astronomers and photographers – and they in turn can track the progress of the UFO and increase the chances of a breakthrough.
Entering an incident
In the simple UFOWN Sighting Report screen, provide a description of the sighting, including estimated altitude and distance – both of these fields are defaulted to > 500 ft, so most probably won’t need your attention – but most importantly, direction of travel (vector). Since speed is of the essence, you should strive to complete the report within a few seconds of sighting.
Uploading a photo of file
A picture is not critical during the initial report; it’s more important to describe the sighting and report it ASAP. Take one if you think there’s time. Click on ‘Choose File’ and either take a picture or upload from your library. Again, speed is critical. The faster you report the more chances for other to capture the same object, thus providing more data and opportunities for documenting the incident.
What to expect
We will send out email and, if subscribed, SMS alerts within a few seconds of the sighting report, to Watchers inside a 100-mile radius.
UFOWN will record, store and present each case on its website, available to the public.
Watchers understand it’s essential that their first action be to report the incident.
Bookmark the UFO Sighting Report page to your Home Screen. Keep your mobile close to you at all times and be ready to report a sighting immediately.
Make sure you’re familiar with your own camera, be it DSLR or the one on your mobile, and how to optimize focus.
Picture quality is very important, but so is having multiple witnesses from different points of view.The higher the picture quality, the better we can characterize the sighting. The more data we collect on an incident, the closer we get to determining its origin.
Keep looking up!